Post cáncer mi nivel de tolerancia a estar enferma es casi cero, Siento que mi cuota de paciencia ya fue agotada (POR FAVOR, no me recomienden que tenga paciencia si estoy enferma) y que mi cuota de estar enferma ya fue cubierta con toda esa quimioterapia y secuelas.
Es un esfuerzo sobrehumano el no frustrarme y deprimirme.
Lo que he aprendido es a darle descanso al cuerpo para recuperarse, y aceptar que esto, también pasará.
Bacterial bronquitis
I dislike getting sick.I have been very lucky (or, because I take great care) of not getting very sick in the last few years, but this time I have fallen down with a bacterial bronchitis that has knocked me down and i have been two weeks on sick leave.
Post cancer my tolerance level to sickness is almost zero, I feel that my patience quota has already been exhausted (PLEASE do not recommend to me that I have patience when I am ill) and that my being sick quota was already covered with all that chemotherapy and sequels.
It takes me superhuman efforts and energy not to be frustrated and depressed.
What I have learned is to give the body rest to recover, and accept that this, too, shall pass.